17 October 2005

Private company backs prison reform

ManMountain Penal Servitude plc has backed government proposals for changes in the prison system.
"We are very keen on the changes," said Grant A Peal, VP in charge of slops. "Too many ordinary prisoners are locked up in our jails. They are expensive to keep, what with transportation to and from trials and so forth."
However, Mr Peal does not expect any reduction in the population of his privatised jails.
"Changes to the terror legislation will do without the trial process and so it will be much cheaper to keep these people locked up. There is also a greater likelihood of hunger strikes which will mean savings in real terms."
However, Mr Peal admitted that costs savings from changes in the prisoner population would not feed their way through to the tax payer. "The benefits are likely to be in the form of airmiles."