17 September 2005

Bush admits blame

George W Bush admitted today that his presidency has been a disaster.
"Folks, turns out I am inadequatory in the postion of high office in which I find myself," he said. "By admitting responsibility for my mistakes, my hope is that you folks will look more kindly upon me and allow me to carry on making these terrible decisions."
Commentators point out that this is the first time the Bush administration has admitted any kind of mistake and say the admission represents a sea-change.
"Overnight, the President's politics seem to have swung away from idiocy and towards begging," said Harry Thruthenextfouryears of political analysts Dimmie, Dumbstruck and Danglewart. "It signals a switch from governing by guesswork toward governing by stumbling about in the dark."
But the Republican party is anxious to demonstrate that this is simply a president coming to grips with a national crisis. "He may look like a fool," said a senior Whitehouse staffer, "but actually we see him as more of a baffoon."