18 September 2000

Blockades by p/-oteste/-s f/-om the League Against Stupid, Silly o/- Idiotic Entities have had wide-/-eaching consequences. Al/-eady stocks of the lette/- /- a/-e exhausted and supplies of l and p a/-e at thei/- lowest level in 112 yea/-s. The newspape/- and publishing indust/-ies have been ha/-dest hit, but solicito/-s and sign-w/-ite/-s a/-e also beginning to feel the p/-essu/-e.
Howeve/-, the p/-otests a/-e having fa/- mo/-e wide /-eaching consequences, b/-inging the count/-y to c/-isis point. Panic buying in supe/-ma/-kets has /-esulted in sho/-tages of vital foodstuffs. Baked beans and b/-ead have been subject to the wo/-st cases of hoa/-ding as shoppe/-s fea/- that supplies of the lette/- b might /-un out.
The banking secto/- is also /-eviewing its position. Cu/-/-ently supplies of the pound sign a/-e unaffected, but leading banke/-s fea/- it will be used as a substitute E o/- L when those lette/-s a/-e depleted.
Gove/-nment spokesmen admit to being taken completely unawa/-es, and a/-e su/-p/-ised at how swiftly the c/-isis has escalated. T/-anspo/-t ministe/- Lo/-d Biddly Bong of Bung commented: "I was honestly unde/- the imp/-ession that lette/- supplies we/-e unlimited; that all you had to do was type them out on you/- compute/-, as many as you needed o/- wanted. Now I discove/- that they a/-e delive/-ed in the small hou/-s by teams of midgets on moto/-cycles. I still can't quite believe it, yet al/-eady the count/-y is g/-inding to a halt when this se/-vice is inte/-/-upted."
Adenews has set up a helpline fo/- those needing to find supplies of vital lette/-s. The numbe/- is 01__6 _41__9.